Anonymous asked a question to Joe M.
Category: Culture
Date asked: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Last reviewed: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Joe M.
Leadership Development Business Partner
The culture at First Central is a well balanced mixed of drive and ambition mixed with open, fun and friendly which is probably why we have an excellent rating in Trust Pilot and placed 23rd of super large organisations with Great Places to work.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Jemma R.
Talent Manager
The culture here is fast paced (which is what I like), we work hard, but we also have fun along the way. We have a fab Culture & Engagement and Internal Comms team here who always have things for us to get involved in such as quizzes, events, webinars etc. There are so many positive things that the Company provides colleagues, which I think has a massive impact on how I feel about working here. The list of benefits is ever growing and improving, the Company supports colleagues financially and I really do feel the Execs appreciate how hard everyone works.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
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